It’s time of the year that I’m preparing to share my knowledge arcoss the company. I tend to forget the goodies that worked for me I’ll collect them here to simplify my workflow.

Create the presentation from Markdown


You can add CSS classes to control the presentation

![Image that stretches](./bunny.png) {.stretch}
- List item that shows up later {.fragment}
- List item that shows up later {.fragment}

You can define a frontmatter definition in the top:

theme: "white"
transition: "none"
highlightTheme: "monokai"
customTheme: "overrides"
logoImg: "./images/logo.png"
slideNumber: true
center: false
title: "Presentation"

Present From a Single Laptop

  • DeskPad is a great tool to share a virtual screen with others. So that on my screen I can manage all other relevant information like:

  • the app for the online meeting

  • the notes for the class

  • preparing the examples for the next task without the audience having to watch me collect them

Command Line Code Examples

ASCIinema is an awesome tool to record the shell.

How To Record

asciinema rec ./demo.cast -i 2 -c "PS1='\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$\n> ' bash"
  • idle-time-limit to compress waiting time in the recording to this number
  • command: to use for the current shell
  • ctrl + \ - pause recording

How To Play The Recording

asciinema play ./demo.cast

How To Play The Recording In the presentation

ASCIInema player

Recording the session

  • Teams and Zoom apps can record the sessions

Final words

Happy coding!

Cover Photo by Juraj Vice from Pexels