Microjournaling With Obsidian

This week I listened to the Art of Manliness podcast ep. #867 about journaling techniques that could change your life. It really resonated with me, and got me thinking about doing something about my bad habits and stepping on the path I’d like to walk. ...

January 15, 2023 · 5 min · Mátyás Budavári

Keep Your Configs Safe

A few years ago I switched between a few machines on a daily basis, and tweaked my environments constantly. It was a tedious task to update each of them one by one, every time I changed configs or aliases in any of them. I figured this has got to be easier somehow, and found the hidden world of dotfiles. ...

March 6, 2021 · 3 min · Mátyás Budavári

Think Outside The Box

In the past few days I’ve been working in manual mode on multiple linux boxes simultaneously. I have to follow logs, modify configurations and kill/start applications all at once. I got confused pretty fast of what server am I connected to in a certain console pane, and where are my operations. On top of that my ISP had a huge traffic hit these days, and my VPN connection dropped constantly. I dusted off my knowledge about some tools that boosted my productivity. ...

February 27, 2021 · 8 min · Mátyás Budavári

Light Up My Mission Control

I’m currently following the trends with my dev setup. I use dark theme in almost all of my tools. That make my Mission Control a monochrome mess. Most of my tools have theming options, so a few months ago I decided to light things up. ...

January 27, 2021 · 3 min · Mátyás Budavári

Clipboard Goodies For Productivity

Have you ever typed ctrl-c instead of ctrl-v and had to recopy again? Have you ever needed to copy and paste multiple entries at once from a page causing you to switch back and forth? Have you ever needed to copy the output of a program running in the terminal? I did, and got fed up with them almost 5 years ago, I’ll show you how you can eliminate these problems. ...

January 20, 2021 · 4 min · Mátyás Budavári