Keep Your Github Contribution History

Have you ever been in a situation where you work for a few repositories over a prolonged time, and all of a sudden, you’re notified that you’ll no longer have access to these repos in a few weeks? ...

March 13, 2022 · 3 min · Mátyás Budavári

Process *nix pipe with a script

I came across situations in the past where I needed to modify a pipe just slightly. I immediately knew how to do it imperatively but could not develop a feasible chain of *nix utilities in a reasonable time. Here’s where my knowledge of a scripting language comes in handy. ...

January 2, 2022 · 4 min · Mátyás Budavári

Quickly test mail sending through SMTP

In the past few days I’ve been working with a code where I needed to see whether the service successfully sends mails through SMTP. I did not want to use or set up an actual mail server locally. As is turns out Python has a oneliner to solve this situation. ...

August 4, 2021 · 1 min · Mátyás Budavári

Plotly Dash Development Tips

Last year I was working on some dash-plotly applications/dashboards. It was confusing at first, I learned a lot during that time, I’d like to share my gathered experience. The docs already contain useful information, I do not wish to repeat them. There are many example pages in github, my goal is to collect my most visited pages here, so it’ll be easier to start out with development. ...

April 5, 2021 · 12 min · Mátyás Budavári

Node/Python Version Management

I work with some projects that can be only used with specific versions of node/python and it’s not feasible to simply dockerize them. Every time I switch between these projects I’d need to reinstall different versions of node/python. That would be plain silly… BUT there’s a better way. ...

January 11, 2021 · 2 min · Mátyás Budavári

Postgres External Python Call

After experiencing the awesomeness of External Calls in Snowflake I decided to look into the possibilities of running external snippets from Postgres. ...

January 5, 2021 · 4 min · Mátyás Budavári

Project Template With Cookiecutter

Sometimes I work on similar projects that need so little customization I feel like I can just copy and paste it, and tweak some variables, then create a new repo for it, and start to generate the content. Here is where project templates come into play. ...

December 13, 2020 · 2 min · Mátyás Budavári